Saturday, August 22, 2009

August Card Exchange Posted

Well here are the card exchanges for this month. Wonderful work by all the participants as usual. This is such a fun exchange. No pressure and just fun things. I would love to see more people participate to make more fun. I could tell you who did which cards, but I can't figure out how to post word next to or right under a pix, so that won't happen. It doesn't matter anyway, cuz all of them are so stinkin' cute!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lots Done

Well yesterday was a productive day. Lois and Robin came and we worked on surprises for the retreat. It was fun and we got ALOT DONE!! YES!! That makes me feel better. I also got the projects prepped for my clubs this coming week. Here is one of the projects. Very cute and really easy. It will be fun to do these cute little purses. The other 2 projects are cards and they are posted on my SU demo website.

Jacob called yesterday and told us we are approved to visit him, so we are going to get that planned. The girls can't go with us. It will take about 6-7 hours to drive each way. Long trip, but he is very excited for us to come. He says he really looks forward to the mail and when he can call us. He is working hard and this will give him something else to look forward to.

The kittens are growing and so cute. They are playing with each other and they tumble and jump and are just generally fun to watch. They will be six weeks old this week and are starting to eat pretty well. Almost time for them to go to new homes. It will be hard to see them go because they are so fun to watch.

Jenna will start school this Friday - summer went so fast.

I will try to have some more pix to post by the week's end. Have clubs on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, so that will keep me busy. It's also card exchange week - on Thursday - theme is Thank You cards. Hope lots of you out there get cards to me for this. Then I can post all the pix of those wonderful cards too.

Thanks for sharing with me. Janell

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How does time go so fast?

Here is it almost the middle of August already. We are in "get ready for school" mode now. The girls and I went shopping in SLC on the 1st and that was fun, but very tiring. We only went to Gateway Mall. We left at 8:30 AM and were actually back home by 7:45 PM. Are you impressed. Doesn't take to long to spend a lot of money!! Melanie has been saving her babysitting money all summer and she did some good shopping. She got 5 pairs of pants and a bunch of shirts and hoodies. Did not find shoes, so she had to order some of those online after we got home. Jenna got several shirts and we actually found pants for her in Burley. They are thinking that they would like school to start and go just long enough to wear their new clothes, then have a vacation again. LOL isn't that just like teens?
I am busy with stamping. I have 3 clubs going this year. 2 will meet each month. I am excited about that and hope I can keep them loving it and learning new fun things. I am also busy working on a retreat I'm doing in October. If it works well, Lois and I are thinking we'll try to do another one in the spring. Lots of work and Loads of Fun!!
Sean (my 3rd son) threw me a curve last week, letting me know he has decided to become an Orthodontist. So instead of being done with college after 1 more semester, he has LOTS of semesters and lots of money to GO. But he is a very bright young man and I know he can do it if he wants to. Too bad all the kids will already be through braces by then - maybe we could have gotten a discount?!!
Ryan and Sami are doing well, setting up their apartment and enjoying being married. They are so cute together.
Jacob is hanging in there. He is working hard at his program and we are hoping we can visit him over the Labor Day weekend. We are waiting to hear if we are approved to visit. I know that would encourage him. He is homesick. I miss him too.
Thanks for stopping by today. I hope to have some fun pix to post soon.