I can't believe I haven't posted since Sept 1 - where does the time go. Of course, part of the problem is I don't get a turn on the computer except if I stay up past everyone else - which I just can't always do - TOO OLD for that.
But I've been busy. In September, there was all the "getting started in school" things - you know-paying your life savings to get everything the kids need and everything the school thinks they should have!! I wonder sometimes if the people that run the schools have kids of their own? Or they are wealthy!! Anyway, so that is over, and we're in the routine now.
Homecoming at Minico comes on the 1st weekend of October, so Melanie is all excited about that, and getting everything ready. She had a good time, and was very tired by the end of that day. Then we have a couple of days and then Melanie leaves for her Reflections Retreat. Reflections is the audition-choir at Minico, and they go to the Pinedell camp south of Twin each fall for a couple of days to get to know each other and work on their music. They left on Tuesday after school and returned on Thursday afternoon. It was fun, and they were exhausted again!! Now it's time to catch up on her homework and sleep and work lots - so she can afford to go to the Harvest Dance on the 30th. Good thing she's only a senior once!!
Last weekend was our 4 Girls and A Dream Retreat in Lava. It was wonderful and I felt one of the best so far. We had 22 ladies and it seemed like everyone enjoyed themselves and interacted so well with each other. It was awesome to see how creative everyone is, and how individual everyone is - making totally different things from the same supplies. I totally enjoy doing these retreats and hope lots of you will join us at one of our upcoming ones. Check the retreat blog - look at my favorite blogs list and see what it's all about.
Jenna is doing wonderful in school and is becoming involved in Young Republicans. She loves to go to teen dances and hang out with her friends. She's contemplating becoming our "housekeeper" for a part time job. I would love that!!
I see I haven't posted the Sept or Oct exchanges, so I'll have to get busy on that. I would love more of you that read this to participate in that. It is so nice to see how creative people are and to get ideas from others.
Have a wonderful rest of October, and I promise to try and do better at posting.