Sunday, December 13, 2009

A White Christmas?

Well, the white stuff is sifting down today and it is much prettier than it has been. The cold isn't pretty or pleasant and if it takes some snow to warm it up...Bring It On!! I really actually like snow, just not having to drive on the snowy, icy roads.

The girls and I ran to Twin yesterday to try and finish up some shopping. We got a few more things finished, but not everything yet. It always seems like there is "one more thing" to get or get done. Thank goodness Christmas doesn't wait for all of us to get ready, or it would never come!!! That would be terrible.

I got the gifts done for my office co-workers yesterday. I thought they were fun. I did some neck scarves for the ladies - just a fashion statement, not a warm clothing item!! Easy and fast. Some star books for LeAnn and Kristi too, and some cute Reindeer Poop bags for the men. I have a couple of pix of the reindeer bags, but not of the others. I am also going to post the pix of the Nov exchanges. I thought I had done this, but I guess not.

I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season and not letting the rush and roar make you forget the real reason for the season. Take moment to reflect on our Savior and His wonderful gift to all of us. I am grateful to Him for all I have!! Merry Christmas

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