Saturday, February 5, 2011

Puppies are Growing

Most of the time the puppies are curled up in a big pile, unless Mom shows up and then it's a free for all of pushing and rolling and trying to get a meal!!  It is pretty fun to watch.  Bella is a wonderufl mommy dog, keeping the puppies all cleaned up and fed.  Their eyes are open now but they still crawl rather than walk and they roll a lot.  They are growing though.  There are 3 girls and 5 boys and of course, everyone wants a girl.  4 of them are spoken for so far.  I think 2 of them will have slick fur like Bella and the rest will be more fluffy like StarFox. 
I keep thinking I could put them outside, but it has been So COLD that it really isn't an option right now.  So they are still in Jenna's room, and she's in the library. 
I haven't had time to do any crafting this week, except for my club this week.  That was fun, even though only 3 of the ladies got to come.  We had a good time and got the projects started for the others too.  Hope they enjoy them. 
It is Sale-A-Bration, so it is fun to help everyone get their orders figured out so they can get some free stuff!!  I love the Ice Cream Parlor paper and accents and ribbon and buttons, and of course, there is the darling Punch set and the great CD of content for My Digital Studio.  It's just too hard to pick a favorite. 
I finished my taxes last night, but there was a glitch in the system and it won't let me upload-efile them, so I have to wait until Monday and call for help.  Very frustrating.  It didn't have a problem when I did Ryan & Sami's the other night.  Good thing we're getting a refund, so we can pay for our part of the wedding!! 
Things are going along OK for that.  Heatherly will be back this coming week, and then we'll go into high speed to get things like the invitations done and whatever else needs doing. 
This month is going to be busy, especially since I have to learn the music for Melanie's festival on the 26th.  2 of the songs aren't too bad, and I've been working on another one, but the 4th one is very new to me, and not so easy.  It's going to take some serious practice.  But I have to get it done, because she will be competing for a scholarship and we are crossing our fingers she is a winner. 
I will also have to make time to work on my assignment for the 4 Girls and a Dream retreat in April.  We have 2 spots left open, and it is getting close, so I have to get moving.  I'm in charge of the project.  I have a few ideas so I have to get them put together and start sharing bits and pieces.  Keep your eyes open, and if you want to come get on over to the 4 Girls and a Dream blog ( to sign up.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

1 comment:

~L said...

At the rate those puppies are growing and becoming so cute, it's going to be hard to let them go...