Thursday, November 27, 2008


Well, Thanksgiving is usually one of my favorite holidays, but today has been a rough day. I guess I have too many irons in the fire and I just hit melt down today. I've cried off and on all day, and I'm worn out. didn't start out so bad. My brother's family is the major organizers for the Mini-Cassia Turkey Trot, (a 3-mile run in Paul on Thanksgiving morning every year (this is the third year)). I helped this morning with registration and then the after-race refreshment table. They had an awesome turnout and it was a good start to the day. I should be so diligent as to get in shape so I could run (or walk) next year. Not likely though.
All three of my sons were with us for part of today, and that is always nice. We don't see them nearly often enough and it's nice to catch up a little. The bad part is it means Christmas is right around the corner, and so we have to get going on the shopping. I'm not much of a shopper, so that's the part of Christmas I don't like. I do like making gifts and EATING the yummy things we all make for the holidays, but I DON'T like getting fatter as the days go by. Hum?, wonder where my will-power is?
I did finish my present today, and got a good start on another one, but can't post since they are for the girls I work with, and they may check out this blog?!!!! Maybe I'll get pix and post them right after I give them.
Our puppy is a slow learner and we can't seem to get her trained to go OUTSIDE to do her "jobs." It is a never-ending chore to try and catch her before the pees or poops on the floors throughout the house. I'm not sure I have what it's going to take to get her trained. She is so darn cute, it's hard to get mad at her, but I am discouraged. Anyone with some great ideas?
Hope you all have had a great day, and are looking forward to a great relaxing weekend.

1 comment:

~L said...

I LOVE the snowflakes on your blog. Sounds like it wasn't a good day for you...sorry. Hang in there. I keep thinking someday we'll get to retire and enjoy life...but then I look at Mom and wonder....maybe not...we'll just keep working away instead of enjoying life!